DIY Marriage License : Must Know (for Quezon City / Manila)

When the system makes it hard to do the right thing

I never thought that getting a Marriage License would be like getting a Driver's License, you would be surrounded by fixers or fixers IN DISGUISE.

So for those planning to apply their Marriage License on their own, here are some things you must know:

Part 1

1. Prepare all the requirements.

Quezon City Requirements
*Calling the department might not specify the need for cenomar, but just bring it to be sure.

Manila Requirements

Note: for QC, bring original and photocopies of the birth certificate and cenomar, they said only the photocopies are collected after the process.

2. Go STRAIGHT to the Civil Registry

QC Experience: 
When we arrived (8:15am) at the city hall, we asked the GUARD where we can apply for the Marriage License. The guard instructed to enter a certain bldg and go to RM 204. Since it was our first time in the city hall, we just followed the instruction. But RM 204 is actually a councilor's office?! What does a councilor have to do with processing the Marriage License??! The guard even insisted that we talk first with the person in the room. Something is just not right, so we went out and try to find the right bldg. Before we get to the right bldg, we encountered several guards to ask for direction and it was very consistent. Their answer was either "Nagmamadali po ba?" or "Nakausap na ba un councilor?". We have to ask again just to know the right direction. 

Manila Experience:
Arrived around 10:30am, asked the guard where we can get the Family Planning seminar. We got direction to the Health Department. But since they are not sure if we can have the seminar only, we got direction to the Information center of the Civil Registry. No misleading information acquired.

Note: QC is definitely more corrupt than Manila. (For QC) Better know the actual location of the Civil Registry so as not to fall into the trap.

3. Scheduling of Family Planning Seminar

QC Experience:
Arriving early will not guarantee that you can finish registration and seminar in 1 day. The Family Planning seminar has a limit of only 14 couples that can attend per day. And there is no way of knowing the available slots ahead of time because they do not have any telephone (seriously??). The only way is to go to the department and see if you are lucky. If not, you have to schedule for the next available day. Went there 11/3, available slots are 11/8 onwards. 

Manila Experience:
Since it was still early, we thought of trying to apply in Manila instead. So we went straight to the Health department to check if it was possible to join the seminar on that same day. They said we can but we have to apply for the Marriage License also in Manila. But we were lacking the cenomar at that time (able to register in QC with only the birth cert with no cenomar). 

Note: Bigger chance of completing the Marriage License application in 1 day if you do it in Manila rather than QC.

We proceeded with the application in QC. I will share the remaining items needed to complete the application.

Part 2

1. The Family Planning Seminar ( Scheduled at 1-4PM)

The seminar actually started at 1:20PM (seems like it was waiting for the late comers to arrive). Started with a film on HIV (~20 mins). Followed by a long break time. (I think still waiting for some late comers). During the "break time", we were asked per couple to sign up in their log sheet, where they also collected the accomplished application form. It resumed 2pm, a speaker talks about different means of contraceptives and let the members read the statements on the board and explain. Can be completed maybe in 30 mins if not for the side stories. After, we were tasked to make photocopies of the app form, family planning certificate. Photocopies are stamped with "CERTIFIED TRUE XEROX COPY". Discussion of what to do next is also discussed.

2. Submission of Application 

Upon completing all the requirements, go back to the Civil Registry building. Have the forms notarized first. It can be done in the same bldg, 3rd flr. Fee is 100 pesos (including photocopies). Then finally, proceed to window 11 to submit all the requirements. The personnel will write in the photocopy of the application form the application number and the pick up date. We submitted 11/8, pick up is on 11/20. 

Total Cost: 358 pesos

1. Initial Registration - 150
2. Notarize Original and Photocopy of Papers - 100
3. Photocopy of Papers (photocopy is used as claiming stub) - 8 
4. Claiming of Marriage License - 100


- Initial registration (including scheduling for the seminar) and final pick up can be done by 1 person, only the seminar requires both to be present.
- Prepare photocopies of the requirements (Birth Cert, CENOMAR, Filled up Application form and initial receipt). So the remaining item to photocopy is the Seminar certificate. (Photocopy is 2 pesos)
- Bring water and fan during the seminar, the place is quite hot in the afternoon.



After the wedding (Status Change/ Name change)

Certified true copy of the Marriage Certificate is needed to update information in other government agencies (SSS, BIR, etc). To get the Certified true copy, the following are the steps:

1. Retrieve an original copy of the Marriage Certificate from the Church
- We retrieve the document 2 weeks after we got married

2. Create a photocopy. Then go to local civil registry. Request for certified true copy.

3. Pay the amount. Claim stub will be provided.
- 1 copy is 50 pesos each. We requested for 3 copies.

4. Return the next day to claim the certified true copy of the Marriage Certificate.
